Okay....I reached my 6 months on May 24th and I'm so excited. We are all growing together so much. Isn't this fun? Here are a couple of pics I took on my phone because I still have not found the adapter for my camera.
Well, I've got my first hair appointment set for next Friday morning. I'm really excited because I'll be getting it done by someone who's been dealing with natural hair for many years. I'll post some pics up after I get it done. I'm interested in seeing how she'll trim my hair. I know I need a trim, but I'm nervous about it because I don't want to end up with less hair than what I have. Today is my 8 month anniversay. My hair has really grown and I'm happy about that. I just hope it continues to grow and get longer. I'll try to remember to post a pic from when I first got my hair cut and a recent pic so everyone can see th growth that I've had.
Hello self......how are you doing? I guess I'll just talk to you since you have been blogging by yourself lately. Anywho....here is some pics of my recent hairstyle. My niece Shakilia did it. I'm cute. :-)