Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nicole hits the 1 year!

Happy Nappiversary (9-19...time zone completely off) mi amiga! You made it through your 1st year of freedom. Okay...I wanna see some pics....NOW!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Check it out....

I found this website. Check it out..... They have different natural hair products by different people. I know that the lady that sells locally in Greensboro sales products through this site. I'm very interested in trying out something. Let me know if you do!!! :-D Love ya mis amigas.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


First off...I can't believe it's about to be a year for you Nicole! I'm so excited. I can't believe that we are all this close to a year. We're great. I've been really busy this semester (so far), but I wanted to update yall with a few pics from the past month. Yall have seen a little via picture mail. better upload some updated pictures. better do the same so that we can see your progress from your repair treatment. Keep Me Updated chics. :-D See you both soon...hopefully!

Me stunting....LOL!

.........You know I'm always trying something extra that ain't nothing.
A fresh blowout!........

This is that curly fro idea that was in the video that Amber posted. I really did like this. I'm too lazy to be doing that everynight, but I really should try because it really was cute.