I received this response from "True Wise", a good friend of mine, in response to the radio piece of religion in America. After the recent the survey on "Religion in America", which was featured on 60-minutes and NPR, many people are questioning the general purpose of religion. If you are interested in knowing more about this survey and it's results, please visit the following websites:
True Wise's response:
" Religion is dying and for good reason. Not only does it make no sense, but it doesn't provide anyone with happiness, it doesn't offer any sense of purpose, it doesn't assist with spiritual development, and it doesn't do much to help people. Instead, it engages in constant fear-mongering and asking for money. People are sick and tired of the bullshit, so now they are leaving religion and seeking enlightenment.
People go to boring church service after boring church service to listen to some preacher drone on and on about nothing that relates to life. They don't try to fix society; they don't try to save the youth so they can have a better world to look forward to. All they do is let THIS world go to total HELL while selfishly trying to get their own "soul" into HEAVEN. The children ask really good questions like "if God is here, why can't I see him?", and "why did God kill his only son?". The children see that religion makes no sense, but we as adults, what do we do? We tell them to shut up and believe; slowly killing their brains and their ability to think critically. Years later those children are hopeless, failing school, and doing drugs because their religion failed them. They had no system of spirituality to look to. All they had was a bunch of old, defeated-looking, fat, bitter adults telling them not to think. Then the youth hate the older generations and we wonder why.
As people squeeze their fat ass into the church pew, they might want to stop and think: if this religion is so great, why do I feel so unhappy and unfulfilled. Why does my life suck so much? Why are my children on drugs and flunking out of school? Why is it that the neighborhoods with the most churches also have the worst conditions? Why is the church the only place where people tell me not to think? Why do I get mad at my children for asking questions about religion? Why do I need to give God my money all the damn time?
I guess people are finally waking up to the sham. Christians are the most unhappy people in the world. Christians are the fattest and most overweight people in the world. Christians have a higher count of homosexuality than anyone else in the world. The nations with the highest suicide rates are Christian. And they call that being "saved"? No thanks, I'd rather choose love peace and happiness."
I would like to see what your comments are about this survey, as well about True's thoughts on the matter. Please leave something on the post.
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